A few hours after I wrote my previous post, my energy level went right off a cliff. I started getting dizzy spells if I stood up too quickly and could detect that my ability to concentrate was waning. Since I was planning on heading to work the next day, I decided to switch to a juice fast and I drank a glass of orange juice before I went to bed.
Monday, Day 9: I continued to drink juice throughout the day, including orange juice, grape juice, and even some V8. My energy was extremely low all day and my ability to do meaningful work was significantly impaired. The juice would help with the energy, but the effects would be short-lived. I decided that today I would break my fast since I needed to be alert when I drive and at work, so tonight I picked up the ingredients of a rice & bean & vegetable Indian soup and made that for dinner. It was delicious, though I found my appetite was very low.
Tuesday, Day 10: I tried to eat my regular breakfast of raw oats, millet, and walnuts, but it found that I had very little appetite in the morning, so I only ate maybe a third of a bowl. I ate some lightly cooked vegetables for lunch and that was much better. I was more alert today, but I still felt myself physically weak and moving around slowly. For dinner I had some of the soup from yesterday and an artichoke. My appetite had returned by then.
Wednesday, Day 11: I’m feeling much better this morning and my muscles are showing only a small amount of weakness. I’ve gained back 2.5 lbs from my low point, putting me down about ten pounds overall. I expect to gain back 2-3 more over the next week.
Generally, I’ve been OK with how I’ve been feeling, but I was way more wiped out at the end of the fast than I anticipated. I think I could have done all five days if my activity levels had been lower and if I didn’t have to go to work toward the end. Next time I try this I’ll make sure to take a couple of days off from work.
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